I am struggling with futures and nested futures. I need to wait for the loadRecordData before it is returned as it is not loaded when trying to display it in a FutureBuilder/List
This reads records from the database and returns them in a list
Future<List<Record>> readRecords(Query query) async {
final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper();
final db = await dbHelper.database;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.rawQuery(query.sql,query.params);
return List.generate(maps.length, (i) {
return fillRecord(maps[i]);
This fills the Record Class with the fields from the query, and then depending on what type of record is loaded, load more data using more database queries.
I think the issue I have is I am not waiting for loadRecordData to complete. I have tried making this function async, but then it needs to return a future, which bubbles up and requires the list above to also be a list of futures.
Record fillRecord(map) {
Record rec = Record(
id: map['id'],
recordType: map['recordType'],
title: map['title'],
url: map['url'].toString(),
imageUrl: map['imageUrl'],
// await rec.loadRecordData();
// return rec;
// I think this is the problem area. I need to wait for this function to complete, but cannot make it work.
return p;
This is part of the Record class to update record with extra data
Future<void> loadRecordData() async {
readRecordMetas(id).then((ListRecordMeta> myMeta) async {
metaData = myMeta;
if (postType == 'event') {
String? orgId = getMetaValue("organisation");
if (orgId != null) {
readRecord(orgId).then((Record? org) async {
eventOrganisation = org;
How can I be sure that loadRecordData completes before returning list;
You are not awaiting all async calls that you are making. I would rewrite
toAnd then
asand finally inside
try this: