I need some help with building a user interface for my app. While browsing Dribbble, I came across a design that I think would be simple and fast to replicate. However, I’m struggling with creating a Container that has a unique borderRadius in Flutter.
I plan to add a black appBar with a leading and actions for the two icons and then create a Container in the body. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to achieve the non-standard borderRadius on the bottom right corner.
Can you please help me with this? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
There are multiple ways to achieve this. One would be with a
but I think the same effect can be obtained using aStack
and widgets for the corners with a simple border radius.https://dartpad.dev/?id=51c04550077960bdad72c0b3bf5063c9
I have achieved this similar feature while developing ‘message box’ in my chatting application. This is how I created curviness from one side of a container.
There are several approaches to achieve this. Here’s one way to do it:
is a powerful tool in Flutter for creating shapes. Here in another file, You can define aCustomClipper
class that extendsCustomClipper<Path>
to create a curved shape. Then, apply this CustomClipper to the AppBar to achieve the desired curved effect.AppBar:
CustomClipper file:
Feel free to adjust the parameters of the
to customize the curves according to your specific design.Implement a custom
is used with the FlutterContainer
, so writing a custom implementation compliments this API, and lets you neatly control the edge inset dimensions so childWidgets
are aligned properly, and overall a custom BoxBorder is flexible for which designs it supports, since it uses a canvas to draw the shape to the screen, only mathematics is the limit.Usage and result
Here a scroll view is passed as a child to the container using the custom
, this shows that the content is rendered within the expecteddimensions