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I’m using this singleton in my app:

import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';

final class TMDB {

In several parts of my app I use statements similar to this:

import '../../../config/initializers/di.dart';
import '../../../config/servers/tmdb.dart';

final myUrl = getIt<TMDB>().baseURL;

As you can see I have two import statements and getIt<TMDB>() may be used several times in my app, then I thought I could use a variable declared in di.dart:

import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:injectable/injectable.dart';

import 'di.config.dart';

final getIt = GetIt.instance;  
void configureDependencies() => getIt.init();

final tmdb = getIt<TMDB>();

This would simplify the previous statements, but if tmdb represents a singleton and is a global variable (getIt is too) so what’s the point of using get_it/injectable if I can directly declare my singletons as the usual way?

I cannot see the real benefits of using get_it/injectable or similar tools.



  1. get_it is more than a singleton. It’s also a service locator, useful during testing to mock the "real" singletons. It’s also written/tested/debugged/documented code, rather than using your own homegrown singletons.

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  2. hello do you like this website Its so nice

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  3. It depends but mainly, get_it provides a flexible way to perform dependency injection, while injectable builds on top of it, adding code generation and other features to enhance productivity and maintainability in larger projects.

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