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I’m using a StreamProviderFamily

`  const ReceitasParams(
                  tipo: 'meat',
                  maxPreco: 10000,
                  minLikes: 0,
                  maxCalorias: 100000,
                  maxtempo: 1000)))

to display a user’s recipes.
At first I used "const RecipesParams" as in the code shown above and everything works perfectly.
However when I remove the "const"

                  tipo: 'meat',
                  maxPreco: 10000,
                  minLikes: 0,
                  maxCalorias: 100000,
                  maxtempo: 1000)))

the StreamProvider Family is constantly in a loading state


final receitaControllerProvider =
    StateNotifierProvider<ReceitaController, bool>((ref) {
  final receitaRepository =;
  final storageRepository =;
  return ReceitaController(
      receitaRepository: receitaRepository,
      ref: ref,
      storageRepository: storageRepository);

final getReceitasRefeicaoProvider =<List<Receita>, ReceitasParams>((ref, ReceitasParams params) {
  final postController =;
  return postController.getReceitasRefeicao(params.tipo, params.maxPreco, params.minLikes, params.maxCalorias, params.maxtempo);

Stream<List<Receita>> getReceitasRefeicao(
      String tipo, int maxPreco, int minLikes, int maxCalorias, int maxtempo) {
            return _receitaRepository.getReceitasRefeicao(tipo,maxPreco,minLikes,maxCalorias,maxtempo);


 Stream<List<Receita>> getReceitasRefeicao(
      String tipo, int maxPreco, int minLikes, int maxCalorias, int maxtempo) {
    return _receitas.where('refeicoes', arrayContains: tipo).snapshots().map(
          (event) =>
              .map((e) => Receita.fromMap( as Map<String, dynamic>))
              .where((receita) {
            final preco = int.tryParse(receita.preco);
            final calorias = int.tryParse(receita.calorias);
            final tempo = int.tryParse(receita.tempo);
            return preco != null &&
                calorias != null &&
                tempo != null &&
                tempo < maxtempo &&
                preco < maxPreco &&
                receita.likes.length >= minLikes &&
                calorias < maxCalorias;

I cannot understand why.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After some time of searching, I managed to find a solution. To correct this error it is necessary to create a "data class" for RecipesParams.

  2. If you remove const, but don’t set up a proper == and hashCode for your ReceitasParams, then every instance of that is != to any other instance of that, and you’ll get a brand new provider every time, even if the params were the same.

    So yes, the solution is that you must implement == and hashCode so that things that are equal are also ==.

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