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I have built this riverpod state:

import "package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart";

part "form_state.g.dart";

class FormState extends _$FormState {

  List<String?> build() {
    ref.listenSelf((previous, next) {
      log("previous: $previous, next: $next", name: "FORMSTATE 0");

    return List.filled(10, null);

  void change(int index, String value) {
    log("change: $index, value: $value", name: "FORMSTATE 1");
    state = [
      ...state.sublist(0, index),
      ...state.sublist(index + 1),

On my Widget, I have a list of TextField as Below:

class DummyPage extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
  const DummyPage({super.key});

  ConsumerState<DummyPage> createState() =>

class _DummyPageState extends ConsumerState<DummyPage> {
  final List<TextEditingController> _controllers =
      List.generate(10.length, (index) => TextEditingController());

  void initState() {
    final form =;

    for (var i = 0; i < _controllers.length; i++) {
      _controllers[i].text = form[i] ?? "";


  void dispose() {
    for (var i = 0; i < _controllers.length; i++) {


  Widget build(context) {
    return Column(children: [
        (index) => TextField(
          controller: _controllers[index],
          onChanged: (val) {
  , val);

The current condition is every time onChanged is called, it always resets the value as below:

[FORMSTATE 0] previous: null, next: [null, null, null, null, null, null]
[FORMSTATE 1] change: 0, value: 2
[FORMSTATE 0] previous: [null, null, null, null, null, null], next: [2, null, null, null, null, null]

[FORMSTATE 0] previous: null, next: [null, null, null, null, null, null]
[FORMSTATE 1] change: 1, value: 3
[FORMSTATE 0] previous: [null, null, null, null, null, null], next: [null, 3, null, null, null, null]

[FORMSTATE 0] previous: null, next: [null, null, null, null, null, null]
[FORMSTATE 1] change: 2, value: 9
[FORMSTATE 0] previous: [null, null, null, null, null, null], next: [null, null, 9, null, null, null]

My question is what causes this? How to change it to fulfill the expected case when a particular TextField in list of TextField at index i changes, the riverpod state at index i will also change?



  1. Notice how you have two logs with state 0.
    This probably means that you are rebuilding FormState every time you add a value.

    You should check where the build() method gets called and make sure you are not accidentaly rebuilding the state.

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  2. There is no listener for your notifier and therefore it is auto disposed.

    You can verify it by adding a log statement with ref.dispose inside the notifier or setup a ProviderObserver.

    You could change the behaviour by adding; or ref.listen(formStateProvider); inside the widget’s build method or set the notifier’s keepAlive to true.

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