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Pretty self-explanatory. I’ve installed all of the flutter and firebase command line tools, went to do a flutterfire configure command, but when it reaches the step where it asks "Which Android application id (or package name) do you want to use for this configuration," it won’t let me type in a package name! And then I inevitably get hit with the following:

FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command.
COMMAND: firebase apps:create android project_name (android) –package-name= –json –project=project
ERROR: Package name for Android app cannot be empty

I have no idea how to fix this.



  1. I’ve had this in the past too, and it seemed to be something with how line wraps/breaks in the input are handled. I worked around it by entering the Android package name on the command line with:

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  2. thank you!
    the argument –android-package-name solved this issue for me.

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