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Basically when the api pass the date in an invalid format, then it should not crash and the field should display empty

Exception has occurred.
FormatException (FormatException: Invalid date format

I also try{}catch(e) but the error still shows up

  String formattedDate(String date) {
    if (date.length >= 8) {
      final dateTime = DateTime.tryParse('${date.substring(0, 8)}T${date.substring(8)}');
      if (dateTime != null) {
        return DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd').format(dateTime).toString();
    return '';
  void loadTravellerIntoForm(TravellerProfile? traveller) {
    String formattedPassportExpiry = '';

    if (traveller?.passportExpiry != null &&
        traveller?.passportExpiry?.isNotEmpty == true) {
      formattedPassportExpiry = DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy').format(
          DateTime.parse(traveller?.passportExpiry?.substring(0, 8) ?? ''));
    passportExpiryDateTextCtrl.text = formattedPassportExpiry;
              expiryDate: controller.formattedDate(detail.passportExpiry ?? ''),
Fatal Exception: io.flutter.plugins.firebase.crashlytics.FlutterError: FormatException: Invalid date format
8 Apr 20. Error thrown while handling a gesture.
       at DateTime.parse(dart:core)
       at MyTravellersCtrl.loadTravellerIntoForm(my_travellers_ctrl.dart:298)
       at _InkResponseState.handleTap(ink_well.dart:1154)
       at GestureRecognizer.invokeCallback(recognizer.dart:275)
       at TapGestureRecognizer.handleTapUp(tap.dart:654)
       at BaseTapGestureRecognizer._checkUp(tap.dart:311)
       at BaseTapGestureRecognizer.acceptGesture(tap.dart:281)
       at GestureArenaManager.sweep(arena.dart:167)
       at GestureBinding.handleEvent(binding.dart:492)
       at GestureBinding.dispatchEvent(binding.dart:468)
       at RendererBinding.dispatchEvent(binding.dart:333)
       at GestureBinding._handlePointerEventImmediately(binding.dart:413)
       at GestureBinding.handlePointerEvent(binding.dart:376)
       at GestureBinding._flushPointerEventQueue(binding.dart:323)
       at GestureBinding._handlePointerDataPacket(binding.dart:292)```



  1. void loadTravellerIntoForm(TravellerProfile? traveller) {
      String formattedPassportExpiry = '';
      if (traveller?.passportExpiry != null &&
          traveller?.passportExpiry?.isNotEmpty == true) {
        final parsedDate = DateTime.tryParse(traveller?.passportExpiry?.substring(0, 8) ?? '');
        if (parsedDate != null) {
          formattedPassportExpiry = DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy').format(parsedDate);
        } else {
          // Handle the date format exception here
          formattedPassportExpiry = ''; // Set to an empty string or handle it as needed
      passportExpiryDateTextCtrl.text = formattedPassportExpiry;

    try this and let me know, if the issue is still there.

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  2. The error is from the line below:

    if (traveller?.passportExpiry != null &&
        traveller?.passportExpiry?.isNotEmpty == true) {
      formattedPassportExpiry = DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy').format(
          DateTime.parse(traveller?.passportExpiry?.substring(0, 8) ?? '')); // this line

    Using null-aware operator (?.) might seems like it will prevent exceptions, but in fact, if traveller and passportExpiry are both not null, the value is evaluated to the parse method, and if the format happens to be invalid, it will throw FormatException.

    You might want to change it to this:

    if (traveller?.passportExpiry != null &&
        traveller?.passportExpiry?.isNotEmpty == true) {
      final passportExpiryDate = DateTime.tryParse(traveller?.passportExpiry?.substring(0, 8));
      if (passportExpiryDate != null) {
        formattedPassportExpiry = DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy').format(passportExpiryDate);
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  3. The error says that traveller?.passportExpiry?.substring(0, 8) actually is 8 Apr 20. Which is not an accepted format for DateTime.parse(. For that you would need to do DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy').parse( instead. But the thing is this is already the format that you would like to have so it seems the entire conversion is unnecessary

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