so i have created this method that does 2 things, one after another, the first thing this method does is sign up the user using supabase, the second thing is it saves the users info on a table, here is a how the method looks :
Future signUp(
String email, String password, String firstName, String lastName) async {
try {
// Step 1: Register the user using Supabase authentication
final response =
await supabase.auth.signUp(password: password, email: email);
if (response.user == null) {
print('Sign up NOT successful!');
throw "failed to sign up";
} else {
print('Sign up successful!');
// Step 2: Retrieve the user ID of the newly created user
final userId = response.user!.id;
// Step 3: Insert user's first name and last name into the user_info table
final insertResponse = await supabase.from('user_info').insert(
{'id': userId, 'first_name': firstName, 'last_name': lastName});
if (insertResponse.error != null) {
print('user info not registered');
throw insertResponse.error!;
// If everything is successful, the sign-up process is complete
print('Sign up and user table successful!');
} catch (error) {
print('Error during sign-up: $error');
what’s weird is when i check the user table and the ‘user_info’ table on the website i can see that everything works, yet when i check the log console i get this :
I/flutter ( 2765): Sign up successful!
I/flutter ( 2765): Error during sign-up: NoSuchMethodError: The getter ‘error’ was called on null.
I/flutter ( 2765): Receiver: null
I/flutter ( 2765): Tried calling: error
What i don’t get is why am getting an error on the log, but it still works when i check the database
this means that insertResponse might be null, so you should update your error checking code to be like insertResponse?.error != null and dont throw it liket this
throw insertResponse.error!;
throw the entire thing
I advise you to type your variables (you can also use a analysis_options.yaml file with linter rules to help you keep clean code).
And yes @jhon is right, your error message means insertResponse might be null so you cannot call insertResponse.error directly.
In your if, you can do :