I can’t get the length of the list in the widget although I wrote everything correct
this is my cubit
class AppCubit extends Cubit<NewsStates> {
AppCubit() : super(NewsInit());
static AppCubit get(context) => BlocProvider.of(context);
MianTeams? mianTeams;
void getTimes() {
Query: {"action": "get_teams", "league_id": "141", "APIkey": api})
.then((value) {
mianTeams = MianTeams.fromJson(value.data);
////////////////+++++ i can get the length here in cubit
}).catchError((onError) {
this is my model
class MianTeams {
List<TeamsModel> team = [];
MianTeams.fromJson(List<dynamic> json) {
json.forEach((e) {
class TeamsModel {
String? teamKey;
String? teamName;
String? teamBadge;
List<Players> players = [];
TeamsModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
teamKey = json['team_key'];
teamName = json['team_name'];
teamBadge = json['team_badge'];
json['players'].forEach((e) {
but in Widget I can’t get the length to set the itemCount of List View separated
this is my statelessWidget
class Teams extends StatelessWidget {
const Teams({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocConsumer<AppCubit, NewsStates>(
listener: (context, state) {},
builder: (context, state) {
// print(AppCubit.get(context).mianTeams!.team.length);
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ListView.separated(
itemBuilder: (context, index) => Divider(),
separatorBuilder: (context, index) => Divider(),
itemCount: AppCubit.get(context).mianTeams!.team.length),
I don’t know what’s wrong and I think I wrote everything correctly
You can use the
from builderThe problem is that
is null until aftergetTimes()
is called and the response is received from your API. So when the ListView tries to build initially, it’s trying to get the length of a null list.Instead of storing
directly as a property of the Cubit, you should make it a property of one of your State classes. ProbablyNewsSuccess
– then the list will always be available in that state. And if the Cubit is in a different state, you can display a loading indicator or something.Your Cubit might then look something like this:
And your widget might be something like: