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I’m getting a json response in the format

            "category1": {
                "Winter": [
                    "Woolen Clothes",
                    "Rain Coats",
            "category2": {
                "Summer": [
                    "Sun Glass",
                    "Cotton Clothes",
                    "Ice Creams"

How can i convert this to an object. I have tried the following

Map<String,List<String>> category1;
Map<String,List<String>> category2;

category1:  Map<String,List<String>>.from(json["category1"] ?? [].map((x) => x));
category2:  Map<String,List<String>>.from(json["category2"] ?? [].map((x) => x));

but it throws the following error

type 'MappedListIterable<dynamic, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>'

what is the correct method to parse the map??



  1. import 'dart:convert';
    final Map<String, dynamic> json = {
      "category1": {
        "Winter": ["Woolen Clothes", "Rain Coats", "sweater"],
      "category2": {
        "Summer": ["Sun Glass", "Cotton Clothes", "Ice Creams"]
    final jsonString = jsonEncode(json);
    void main() {
      // {"category1":{"Winter":["Woolen Clothes","Rain Coats","sweater"]},"category2":{"Summer":["Sun Glass","Cotton Clothes","Ice Creams"]}}
      final jsonParsed = jsonDecode(jsonString);
      final Map<String, List<String>> category1 = Map.fromEntries(
          (jsonParsed["category1"] as Map<String, dynamic>)
              .map((e) => MapEntry<String, List<String>>(e.key, (e.value as List<dynamic>).cast()))
      // {Winter: [Woolen Clothes, Rain Coats, sweater]}
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  2. The first thing you should do is create a model that is in charge of mapping the json. I recommend that you use this page
    on the left side you paste what the json is that you want to map and on the right you choose dart as the language to generate the model,
    r last you must call that model and the function from map and you pass the json as a parameter.

        // To parse this JSON data, do
        //     final categorias = categoriasFromMap(jsonString);
         import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
         import 'dart:convert';
        class Categorias {
            Category1 category1;
            Category2 category2;
             required this.category1,
             required this.category2,
             factory Categorias.fromJson(String str) => 
            String toJson() => json.encode(toMap());
           factory Categorias.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Categorias(
               category1: Category1.fromMap(json["category1"]),
               category2: Category2.fromMap(json["category2"]),
            Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {
              "category1": category1.toMap(),
              "category2": category2.toMap(),
        class Category1 {
           List<String> winter;
        required this.winter,
          factory Category1.fromJson(String str) => 
        String toJson() => json.encode(toMap());
        factory Category1.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Category1(
        winter: List<String>.from(json["Winter"].map((x) => x)),
         Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {
        "Winter": List<dynamic>.from( => x)),
        class Category2 {
        List<String> summer;
        required this.summer,
        factory Category2.fromJson(String str) => 
        String toJson() => json.encode(toMap());
        factory Category2.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Category2(
        summer: List<String>.from(json["Summer"].map((x) => x)),
         Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {
        "Summer": List<dynamic>.from( => x)),
    Login or Signup to reply.
  3. import 'dart:convert';
    void main() {
      String jsonStr = '''
        "category1": {
            "Winter": [
                "Woolen Clothes",
                "Rain Coats",
        "category2": {
            "Summer": [
                "Sun Glass",
                "Cotton Clothes",
                "Ice Creams"
      Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = json.decode(jsonStr);
      Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> categories = {};
      jsonMap.forEach((key, value) {
        Map<String, List<String>> items = {};
        value.forEach((innerKey, innerValue) {
          List<String> itemList = [];
          innerValue.forEach((item) {
          items[innerKey] = itemList;
        categories[key] = items;
    Login or Signup to reply.
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