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I have preferred flutter as my primary app development platform,but I don’t know how does it work behind the scenes.Will my dart code going to be converted into Java code and get executed then?

I have tried searching many YouTube videos but none of it worked for me,as they were just explaining only about dart but not about java



  1. Flutter uses a unique approach to building apps that doesn’t involve translating Dart code into Java or any other intermediate step. Here’s how it works behind the scenes:

    1. Flutter Framework: Flutter provides its own framework for building cross-platform apps. It includes a rich set of widgets, libraries, and tools that allow you to create user interfaces and manage app behavior.

    2. Dart Programming Language: Flutter apps are primarily written in the Dart programming language. Dart is a modern language developed by Google, and it’s optimized for building high-performance apps. Your Flutter code is written in Dart, which is compiled into native machine code ahead of time (AOT compilation) or Just-In-Time (JIT) during development.

    3. Compilation: When you write Dart code for your Flutter app, it’s compiled directly to the native machine code of the target platform. There’s no intermediary translation into Java, Kotlin, Swift, or any other language.

    4. Flutter Engine: At the core of Flutter is the Flutter engine, which is written in C++. This engine takes care of rendering the UI, managing gestures, and handling other platform-specific tasks.

    5. Platform Channels: For platform-specific functionalities like accessing device hardware, you can use platform channels. These allow communication between the Dart code and native code written in Java/Kotlin (Android) or Swift/Objective-C (iOS). However, this communication is not about translating the entire Dart codebase into another language; it’s about invoking specific native methods from Dart.

    6. Skia Graphics Engine: Flutter uses the Skia graphics engine to draw UI components on the screen. Skia is a widely-used 2D graphics library.

    7. Ahead-of-Time (AOT) and Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation: During development, Flutter can use JIT compilation, which allows for hot reloads and fast iteration. When releasing the app, you can choose AOT compilation, which produces highly optimized machine code for better performance.

    In summary, Flutter operates as a self-contained framework that directly compiles your Dart code into native machine code for the target platform. There’s no translation of Dart into Java or any other language. The Flutter framework and engine handle the complexities of rendering UI, managing gestures, and communicating with the underlying platform’s native components through platform channels. This architecture allows Flutter to achieve high performance and consistency across different platforms while enabling you to write code in Dart.

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  2. Flutter works by using the Dart programming language to create app logic and user interfaces. Your Dart code is compiled into optimized machine code that directly interacts with the Flutter engine. This engine shows your app’s tools and handles interactions on platforms like iOS, Android, and the web. You don’t have to change Dart to Java or Swift; Flutter’s engine takes care of running and displaying the code.

    So, to answer your question, Dart code is not turned into Java code and then run. Instead, Dart code is turned into optimized machine code that talks directly to the Flutter engine. The Flutter engine takes care of displaying and interacting with the hardware and native features of the device.

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