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I want to create a custom splash screen ** Android and IOS** like TrueCuller or WhatsApp or etc., but as I searched there is nothing to do that, anyone can help or suggestion,
Thanks.Like this splash screens

I used some packages from, flutter_native_splash,



  1. You can use this flutter package to change native splash screen easily as you want rather than change in XML file.

    Edit: Firstly, you need to design your splash image with the attach of bottom icon. Because in splash screen only one image can be used.

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  2. You can use this package to create a custom splash screen.Declare it in pubspec.ymal

    Run this command:

    With Flutter:
    $ flutter pub add flutter_splash_screen

    This will add a line like this to your package’s pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

    flutter_splash_screen: ^1.0.0+6

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  3. Check out the branding parameters in flutter_native_splash, that will allow you to add the lower image you indicate in your attached image.

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