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I have used webview_flutter to load my site url, and used a JavaScriptChannel for two way communication between javascript and dart, as i want some native result from Android/IOS platform to javascript.

In Flutter

controller = WebViewController()
      onMessageReceived: (JavaScriptMessage message) async {
        //Here i am doing some operation and returning a result as

In JavaScript to interact with flutter channel-

var params = {'key':'alternate_preference','value': ''}; 
var data = { plugin: 'SharedPref', method: 'fetch', params: [params] };

To capture result in javascript-

function flutterResponseFunc(flutterResult) {
window.function= flutterResponseFunc;

How can i capture the result in callback of FlutterChannel.postMessage itself instead of creating a different function for result in js. Like Promise.then function in javascript.

enter image description here

I have gone through this answer

But it seems like a platform specific(i.e. for web platform only), as i can not use dart:js_interop & dart:html libs for Android/IOS platform. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks !!



  1. you don’t need to translate the function between languages. You can run simple codes through flutter. I left an example from my own use for easier understanding.

        onMessageReceived: (value) {
          final fileName =':', '-');
          final Map linkList = jsonDecode(value.message.toString());
          int totalCalculate(Map returnValue) {
            if (returnValue.containsValue(null)) {
              returnValue.removeWhere((key, value) => value == null);
              return returnValue.length;
            return returnValue.length;
 = 0;
          ProgressBar.progressValue.value = 0;
 = totalCalculate(linkList);
          linkList.forEach((key, value) {
            if (value != null) {
                  index: int.parse(key),
                  url: value,
                  fileNmae: fileName,
                  total: linkList.length);

    Run and create a function from flutter. Then return the result to a channel.
    consolePrint is the name of my channel here

    void getLinkMap(WebViewController controller) async {
      try {
        await controller.runJavaScript('''
                      function getImages() {
                        var json = {};
                        var liList = document.querySelectorAll("body > div.main-content > > div.content > div:nth-child(3) > div.modal-content.mega-image > section > ul > li")
                        liList.forEach(function list(value, index) {
                          var img = value.querySelector('img');
                          var hdImage = img.getAttribute("hd-image");
                          json[index] = hdImage;
                      window.onload = getImages();
      } catch (e) {
        log('error code: $e',
            time:, name: 'func:getLinkMap');
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  2. Considering the signature of the addJavaScriptChannel function it’s not possible to provide a result to postMessage().

    Future<void> addJavaScriptChannel(
        String name,
        {required void onMessageReceived(

    The onMessageReceived doesn’t return any value after invocation and JavaScriptMessage doesn’t provide a callback to invoke with data.

    So any aproach you could take would require you to build a custom solution with non-enforcable contracts within JS. As this is complex and error prone, it might be easier to just handle the result as you’re doing already.

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