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What is this Date time:
"2024-08-29 13:15:05 +0000 UTC" OR
"2024-08-29 01:33:40.774468453 -0400 EDT"

How I can convert & reformat it in flutter, what is the date format it will take ??

tried native flutter classes & intl library



  1. You have to add the intl package to your pubspec.yaml:

    You can use the DateTime.parse() method to convert the date strings into DateTime objects. However, since the second format includes fractional seconds and a timezone, you might want to use DateTime.parse() directly, as it supports ISO 8601 format well.

      String dateString1 = "2024-08-29 13:15:05 +0000 UTC";
      String dateString2 = "2024-08-29 01:33:40.774468453 -0400 EDT";
      // Parse the date strings
      DateTime dateTime1 = DateTime.parse(dateString1.replaceAll(" UTC", ""));
      DateTime dateTime2 = DateTime.parse(dateString2);
      // Format the dates
      String formattedDate1 = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd – kk:mm').format(dateTime1);
      String formattedDate2 = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd – kk:mm').format(dateTime2);
      print("Formatted Date 1: $formattedDate1");
      print("Formatted Date 2: $formattedDate2");
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  2. To handle dynamic fractional seconds in your date strings, you can extract the fractional seconds separately and add them to the parsed DateTime object.

      String dateString = "2024-08-29 01:33:40.774468453 -0400 EDT";
      // Remove the timezone abbreviation at the end
      String cleanDate = dateString.replaceAll(RegExp(r's[A-Z]{3,4}$'), '');
      // Extract fractional seconds
      RegExp regex = RegExp(r'.(d+)');
      Match? match = regex.firstMatch(cleanDate);
      String fractionalPart = match != null ?! : '';
      cleanDate = cleanDate.replaceAll(RegExp(r'.d+'), '');
      // Define the date format without fractional seconds
      DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ");
      // Parse the date string
      DateTime dateTime = dateFormat.parse(cleanDate, true); // true for UTC
      // Add fractional seconds to the DateTime object
      if (fractionalPart.isNotEmpty) {
        // Convert fractional seconds to microseconds
        int microseconds =
            int.parse(fractionalPart.padRight(6, '0').substring(0, 6));
        dateTime = dateTime.add(Duration(microseconds: microseconds));
      print("Parsed DateTime: $dateTime");
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