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I am using the camera flutter lib and startImageStream method of the controller
Every X ms I get one CameraImage input and want to save this in file as jpg/png

I am using some code found online but it has 2 issues

  1. It is grayscaled and without any colors
  2. It is rotated 90 degree anti-clockwise

The code that I am currently using is

import 'package:camera/camera.dart';
import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib;

Future<List<int>> convertImageToPng(CameraImage image) async {
  imglib.Image? img;
  if ( == ImageFormatGroup.yuv420) {
    img = _convertYUV420(image);
  } else if ( == ImageFormatGroup.bgra8888) {
    img = _convertBGRA8888(image);

  imglib.PngEncoder pngEncoder = imglib.PngEncoder();

  // Convert to png
  List<int> png = pngEncoder.encodeImage(img!);
  return png;

// CameraImage BGRA8888 -> PNG
// Color
imglib.Image _convertBGRA8888(CameraImage image) {
  return imglib.Image.fromBytes(
    format: imglib.Format.bgra,

// CameraImage YUV420_888 -> PNG -> Image (compression:0, filter: none)
// Black
imglib.Image _convertYUV420(CameraImage image) {
  var img = imglib.Image(image.width, image.height); // Create Image buffer

  Plane plane = image.planes[0];
  const int shift = (0xFF << 24);

  // Fill image buffer with plane[0] from YUV420_888
  for (int x = 0; x < image.width; x++) {
    for (int planeOffset = 0;
        planeOffset < image.height * image.width;
        planeOffset += image.width) {
      final pixelColor = plane.bytes[planeOffset + x];
      // color: 0x FF  FF  FF  FF
      //           A   B   G   R
      // Calculate pixel color
      var newVal = shift | (pixelColor << 16) | (pixelColor << 8) | pixelColor;[planeOffset + x] = newVal;

  return img;

method convertImageToPng

I need a cross-platform ios+android method to convert CameraImage to jpg/png with proper colors and without rotating.

      (image) {
        final asPng = await convertImageToPng(image);
        // todo then I save this on disk or uploa

Any help will be appreciated.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After working for like one week I managed to got a function that converts Yuv420 CameraImage to png with colors, BUT the image has bad rotation, is inverted upside down (I think -180 degrees)

    My improved COLORFUL function is. I still need to understand how to rotate properly the image

    imglib.Image _convertYUV420toImageColor(CameraImage image) {
      const shift = (0xFF << 24);
      final int width = image.width;
      final int height = image.height;
      final int uvRowStride = image.planes[1].bytesPerRow;
      final int uvPixelStride = image.planes[1].bytesPerPixel!;
      final img = imglib.Image(height, width); // Create Image buffer
      // Fill image buffer with plane[0] from YUV420_888
      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
          final int uvIndex =
              uvPixelStride * (x / 2).floor() + uvRowStride * (y / 2).floor();
          final int index = y * width + x;
          final yp = image.planes[0].bytes[index];
          final up = image.planes[1].bytes[uvIndex];
          final vp = image.planes[2].bytes[uvIndex];
          // Calculate pixel color
          int r = (yp + vp * 1436 / 1024 - 179).round().clamp(0, 255);
          int g = (yp - up * 46549 / 131072 + 44 - vp * 93604 / 131072 + 91)
              .clamp(0, 255);
          int b = (yp + up * 1814 / 1024 - 227).round().clamp(0, 255);
          // color: 0x FF  FF  FF  FF
          //           A   B   G   R
          if (img.boundsSafe(height - y, x)) {
            img.setPixelRgba(height - y, x, r, g, b, shift);
      return img;

  2. To capture and save images you can use as follows.

    import 'package:camera/camera.dart';
    import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib;

    Then by your method:

    _controller?.startImageStream((CameraImage image){
      Uint8List imageBytes = image.planes[0].bytes;
      //convert bytedata to image
      imglib.Image bitmap = imglib.decodeImage(imageBytes.toList());
      //then save on your directories use path_provider package to get all directories you are able to save in a device
      // or as png

    Or as an alternative:

    // get picture as cross platform file as an alternative more easy (without passin by _controller.startImageStream)
    XFile xfile = await _controller?.takePicture();
    // get bytedata of it
    Uint8List imageBytes = await xfile.readAsBytes();
    //convert bytedata to image
    imglib.Image bitmap = imglib.decodeImage(imageBytes.toList());
    //then save on your directories use path_provider package to get all directories you are able to save in a device
    // or as png

    To rotate by the right side you can use this, passing bytedata’s As UintList:

    void saveImageFromUint8List(Uint8List data, int width, int height, String pathToSave) async {
        try {
          // Here you can use read_exif package
          final Map<String, IfdTag> exifData = await readExifFromBytes(data.toList());
          imglib.Image  source = imglib.decodeImage(data);
          if (source != null) {
            if (exifData.length > 0) {
              final IfdTag? imgOrientation = exifData['Image Orientation'];
              if (imgOrientation != null) {
                int rotation = 0;
                switch (imgOrientation.values.firstAsInt()) {
                  case 6: // Make constants for it read about EXIF metadata
                    rotation = 90;
                  case 3: // Make constants for it read about EXIF metadata
                    rotation = 180;
                  case 8: // Make constants for it read about EXIF metadata
                    rotation = -90;
                if (rotation != 0) source = imglib.copyRotate(source, rotation); //or specify this parameter for newest version of  , angle: rotation);
            if (source.width != width || source.height != height) {
        } catch (e) {
          // log(e.toString());

    And to get rotated image by passing the original you can use:

    Future<imglib.Image> getRotatedByTheRightSide(imglib.Image image) async {
        imglib.Image result = image;
        try {
          if (image != null) {
            // Here you can use read_exif package
            final Map<String, IfdTag> exifData = await readExifFromBytes(image.getBytes());
            if (exifData.length > 0) {
              final IfdTag? imgOrientation = exifData['Image Orientation'];
              if (imgOrientation != null) {
                int rotation = 0;
                switch (imgOrientation.values.firstAsInt()) {
                  case 6: // Make constants for it read about EXIF metadata
                    rotation = 90;
                  case 3: // Make constants for it read about EXIF metadata
                    rotation = 180;
                  case 8: // Make constants for it read about EXIF metadata
                    rotation = -90;
                if (rotation != 0) result = imglib.copyRotate(image, angle: rotation);
        } catch (e) {
          // log(e.toString());
        return result;
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