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I have a dynamic list as given below

List<dynamic> question = [" Elephants", "are", "the", 1, "land", 2, "on", 3];

I’m using a listview.builder to use this list on the screen to populate ui. What I want is to identify the int and show container with a red color and if it is string i want a container with blue color. How can i identiy the type of elements in the list

itemBuilder: (context, index) {
if (question.indexOf(int)) { // how to identify the type
return Container(;
} else {
return Container(;
separatorBuilder: (context, index) => const SizedBox(
width: 6,
itemCount: question.length),



  1. Use is for type checks.

    if(question[i] is int){
    } else if(question[i] is String){
    } else {
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  2. In Dart, you can check the type of an object using the is keyword or the runtimeType property.

    1. Using the is keyword: The is keyword is used to check if an object is of a certain type. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the object is of the specified type or not.

      if(question[i] is int) {
      } else if(question[i] is String) {
    2. Using the runtimeType property: The runtimeType property returns the actual runtime type of an object.

      if(question[i].runtimeType==String) {
      } else if(question[i].runtimeType==int) {
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  3. You can use is operator to check Type of any object


    List<dynamic> question = [" Elephants", "are", "the", 1, "land", 2, "on", 3];
    for(var element in question) {
       if(element is String) {
          // current element is String. Handle accordingly
       } else if (element is int) {
          // current element is int. Handle accordingly
       } else {
          // unknown or any other type. Handle accordingly

    To use it in UI file you can check following example:

    ListView.separated(itemBuilder: (context, index) => question[index] is String ? Container(
       decoration: BoxDecoration(
       child: Center(
         child: Text("String"),
      ) : question[index] is int ? Container(
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
        color: Colors.yellow,
        child: Center(
         child: Text("int"),
      ) : Container(
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
        child: Center(
         child: Text("Unknown"),
        itemCount: question.length);
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