I am creating a podcast streaming app and am getting the error "type ‘Future’ is not a subtype of type ‘RssFeed?’ " as I navigate to my podcast data screen which loads but with no data present.
The error occurs as I try to assign the returned RssFeed from my initData() function (using the webfeed package) to a variable (showData) of type "RssFeed?" in initState.
The code is below that keeps throwing the error:
void initState() {
try {
showData = initData() as RssFeed;
} catch (e) {
print('initPodScreenError: $e');
RssFeed? showData;
Future<RssFeed> initData() async {
try {
RssFeed data = await PodcastData().getdata(widget.showURL!);
return data;
} catch (e) {
print('podcastScreenDataError: $e');
throw Exception('podcastScreenDataError: $e');
I’ve tried multiple ways of changing up the variable type definitions and no matter what I keep getting this error. The error just changes to include whatever I change anything to whether it be the return type of initData() function or the showData variable
Try this,
You can make
async. It would be better if you useFutureBuilder
.Also can be done.