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I am creating a podcast streaming app and am getting the error "type ‘Future’ is not a subtype of type ‘RssFeed?’ " as I navigate to my podcast data screen which loads but with no data present.

The error occurs as I try to assign the returned RssFeed from my initData() function (using the webfeed package) to a variable (showData) of type "RssFeed?" in initState.

The code is below that keeps throwing the error:

  void initState() {
    try {
      showData = initData() as RssFeed;
    } catch (e) {
      print('initPodScreenError: $e');

  RssFeed? showData;

  Future<RssFeed> initData() async {
    try {
      RssFeed data = await PodcastData().getdata(widget.showURL!);
      return data;
    } catch (e) {
      print('podcastScreenDataError: $e');
      throw Exception('podcastScreenDataError: $e');

I’ve tried multiple ways of changing up the variable type definitions and no matter what I keep getting this error. The error just changes to include whatever I change anything to whether it be the return type of initData() function or the showData variable


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  1. Try this,

      void initState() {
      RssFeed? showData;
      Future<void> initData() async {
        try {
          RssFeed data = await PodcastData().getdata(widget.showURL!);
           showData = data;
        } catch (e) {
          print('podcastScreenDataError: $e');
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  2. You can make initState async. It would be better if you use FutureBuilder.

    Also can be done.

      void initState() {
        try {
           showData= value;
           setState((){}) ;
        } catch (e) {
          print('initPodScreenError: $e');
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