I am trying to make a scalable Button widget using flutter, all the property is working except onPressed which required a VoidCallback data type, what is wrong in here
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, sort_constructors_first
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// ignore: must_be_immutable
class PrimaryButton extends StatelessWidget {
// NOTE: if VoidCallback + required this.onPressedData is uncommented then route error
// VoidCallback onPressedData;
String textButtonData;
// required this.onPressedData,
required this.textButtonData,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
//TODO: implement onPressed to each button
onPressed: () {},
// onPressedData,
style: ButtonStyle(
fixedSize: WidgetStatePropertyAll(Size(368, 49),),
backgroundColor: WidgetStatePropertyAll(
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 18)),
I tried using the commented solution but it did not work due to something
try this code
You do not actually need to declare it as VoidCallBack simply change it to this:
also declare it as final and git rid of immutability warning, hope it works for you