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i could not manage the state when i used Get.bottomSheet even when i wrap it with GetBuilder(), and use update() function.

here is the code

this is the function that show the comments in a bottomsheet.

  commentFunction(context, id, comments) {
    postid: id,
    sendCommentFunction: () {
      sendComment(id, commentController.text);
    controllerForCommentField: commentController,
    comments: comments));}

the CustomPageForComments() is a simple page that used stream in order to get the comments from database.

and finally this is the send comment function

  sendComment(String id, String message) {
DocumentReference setter =

  "comments": FieldValue.arrayUnion([
      "username": currentusername,
      "message": message,
      "id": formatDate(,
          [yyyy, ":", mm, ":", dd, ":", hh, ':', nn, ":", ss]),

i want to refresh the bottom sheet when i use the send comment function, so the user can see his comment without re- opening the bottom sheet.

when you close the bottom sheet and re-open it, it actually update

how can i manage that?

also i wanted to ask, is it true to use stream Builder in comments instead of Future Builder?

thank you



  1. To change the state inside a bottom sheet you can use StatefulBuilder

             builder: (BuildContext context, StateSetter setState) {
        return Container(
          height: heightOfModalBottomSheet,
          child: RaisedButton(onPressed: () {
            setState(() {
              // Change state here

    If you want the comments to update in real time (could incur higher costs due to reads) use a Stream Builder , to fetch data just once use FutureBuilder

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  2. All works fine with update() in bottomSheet.
    Make sure for proper use GetBuilder. You need refresh inner widget, not the Get.bottomSheet function. Your code should look like this:

                    GetBuilder<CommentController>(builder: (cLogic) {
                    return Text('Comments count: ${cLogic.count}');
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