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I’m trying to deserialize a json file and create instances from it but whatever way I use, I end up stucked because of the dynamic type :

type ‘_Map<String, dynamic>’ is not a subtype of type ‘Map<String, int>’

Here’s my model :

class Race {
  final String name;
  final Map<String, int> abilitiesUpdater;

  const Race({
    required this.abilitiesUpdater

  static fromJson(json) => Race(name: json['name'], abilitiesUpdater: json['abilitiesUpdater']);

Here’s how I’m trying to deserialize the json file :

class RacesApi {
  static Future<List<Race>> getRacesLocally(BuildContext context) async {
    final assetBundle = DefaultAssetBundle.of(context);
    final String fileContent = await assetBundle.loadString('Assets/COC_Monstres/Races.json');

    List<dynamic> parsedListJson = jsonDecode(fileContent);
    List<Race> racesList = List<Race>.from(<Race>((dynamic i) => Race.fromJson(i)));
    return racesList;

Here’s my json file :

    "name": "Vampire",
    "abilitiesUpdater": {
      "DEX": 2,
      "CHA": 2
    "name": "Créature du lagon",
    "abilitiesUpdater": {
      "FOR": 2,
      "CON": 2

How can I properly cast this json object to fit into my class ?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Edit : To have something a little bit more handy and scalable, I created an extension, and it works fine eventhough I have to cast twice the object...

    My model :

    // import my extension
    class Race {
        required this.abilitiesUpdater,
      late final String name;
      late final Map<String, int> abilitiesUpdater;
      // late final AbilitiesUpdater abilitiesUpdater;
      Race.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
        name = json['name'];
        abilitiesUpdater = (json['abilitiesUpdater'] as Map<String, dynamic>).parseToStringInt();

    My extension :

    extension Casting on Map<String, dynamic> {
      Map<String, int> parseToStringInt() {
        final Map<String, int> map = {};
        forEach((key, value) {
          int? testInt = int.tryParse(value.toString());
          if (testInt != null) {
            map[key] = testInt;
          } else {
            debugPrint("$value can't be parsed to int");
        return map;

    Once again, any help on cleaning this is appreciated !

    Original answer :

    Thanks to Sanket Patel's answer, I ended up with a few changes that made my code works. However I'm pretty clueless on why I can't directly cast a

    Map<String, dynamic>

    object into a

    Map<String, int>

    one. Any info on this would be appreciated :)

    Here's how I changed my model class in the end :

    class Race {
        required this.abilitiesUpdater,
      late final String name;
      late final AbilitiesUpdater abilitiesUpdater;
      Race.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
        name = json['name'];
        abilitiesUpdater = AbilitiesUpdater.fromJson(json['abilitiesUpdater']);
    class AbilitiesUpdater {
      final Map<String, int> abilitiesUpdater = {};
      AbilitiesUpdater.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
        json.forEach((key, value) {
          abilitiesUpdater[key] = int.parse(value.toString());

  2. you can cast the json[‘abilitiesUpdater’] as Map<String, int> because internally flutter will set it default as Map<String, dynamic>


    class Race {
      final String name;
      final Map<String, int> abilitiesUpdater;
      const Race({
        required this.abilitiesUpdater
      static fromJson(json) => Race(name: json['name'], abilitiesUpdater: json['abilitiesUpdater']) as Map<String,int>;
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  3. it is working fine with me i tried it here is the link to the code

    If you still getting error you can try this

    class Race {
      final String name;
      final Map<String, int> abilitiesUpdater;
         required this.abilitiesUpdater
      static fromJson(json) => Race(name: json['name'], abilitiesUpdater: (json['abilitiesUpdater']as Map<String,int>)) ;

    or you can try this

      class Race {
    final String name;
    final Map<String, int> abilitiesUpdater;
    const Race({required, required this.abilitiesUpdater});
    static fromJson(json) => Race(
          name: json['name'],
          abilitiesUpdater: json['abilitiesUpdater']
              .map((key, value) => MapEntry<String, int>(key, value as int)),
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  4. This works:

    class Race {
      final String name;
      // changed to dynamic
      final Map<String, dynamic> abilitiesUpdater;
      const Race({required, required this.abilitiesUpdater});
      static fromJson(json) =>
          Race(name: json['name'], abilitiesUpdater: json['abilitiesUpdater']);

    Maybe after get the object you can parse that dynamic into int if you need it.

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  5. Change your Model Class to this:

    class Race {
        required this.abilitiesUpdater,
      late final String name;
      late final AbilitiesUpdater abilitiesUpdater;
      Race.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
        name = json['name'];
        abilitiesUpdater = AbilitiesUpdater.fromJson(json['abilitiesUpdater']);
      Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
        final _data = <String, dynamic>{};
        _data['name'] = name;
        _data['abilitiesUpdater'] = abilitiesUpdater.toJson();
        return _data;
    class AbilitiesUpdater {
        required this.FOR,
        required this.CON,
      late final int FOR;
      late final int CON;
      AbilitiesUpdater.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json){
        FOR = json['FOR'];
        CON = json['CON'];
      Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
        final _data = <String, dynamic>{};
        _data['FOR'] = FOR;
        _data['CON'] = CON;
        return _data;
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