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I am trying to reverse Map values. But didin’t get proper one,

here my Map

Map<String, dynamic> details = {
    "sms": {
      "very_low": false,
      "low": false,
      "medium": false,
      "high": false,
      "very_high": true

I want to get like this ;

  sms: {
     very_high: true,
     high: false,
     medium: false, 
     low: false, 
     very_low: false

If Anyone please share your ideas



  1. Let’s say this is your "map":

    Map<String, dynamic> details = {
      "sms": {
        "very_low": false,
        "low": false,
        "medium": false,
        "high": false,
        "very_high": true

    You can use this extension:

    extension NewMap on Map {
      Map reverse() => Map.fromEntries(entries.toList().reversed);

    and use it like this:

    details["sms"] = (details["sms"] as Map<String, dynamic>).reverse();
    print("details =$details"); //details = {sms: {very_high: true, high: false, medium: false, low: false, very_low: false}}
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  2.    final details = 
         {"sms" : {"very_low" : false, "very_hight" : true, "very_medium" : false} };
       final outerMap = {};
      for(final m in details.entries){
        final reversedList = m.value.entries.toList().reversed;
        final innerMap = {};
        outerMap.addAll({m.key : innerMap});
      //details = {sms: {very_medium: false, very_hight: true, very_low: false}}
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  3. A solution that works for any Map no matter how much nested it is:

    Object reverse(Object object) {
      if (object is Map) {
        return Map.fromEntries( => MapEntry(e.key, reverse(e.value))).toList().reversed);
      return object;


    void main() async {
      Map<String, dynamic> details = {
        "sms": {
          "very_low": false,
          "low": false,
          "medium": false,
          "high": false,
          "very_high": true
      var newDetails = reverse(details);
      //{sms: {very_low: false, low: false, medium: false, high: false, very_high: true}}
      //{sms: {very_high: true, high: false, medium: false, low: false, very_low: false}}
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  4. import 'dart:convert';
    Map<String, dynamic> yourMap = {
      "sms": {
        "very_low": false,
        "low": false,
        "medium": false,
        "high": false,
        "very_high": true
    Map<K, V> reverse<K, V>(Map<K, V> source) {
      return Map<K, V>.fromEntries(source.entries.toList().reversed);
    main() {
      yourMap['sms'] = reverse(yourMap['sms']);




    Please note that this only works because Map behind the scenes constructs a LinkedHashMap that is insertion-ordered. If you construct other types of Map that are not, this may not work. Generally speaking, it might be wise to not rely on the order of items in a Map because it is not guaranteed unless you created the Map yourself.

    Since this looks like it should be JSON: don’t bother sorting this. It is supposed to be a machine-to-machine protocol, machines do not care if it looks neat. The less uneccessary code you write, the less bugs you produce.

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