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I’m curious if there is a way to decompile and access flutter codes from a release apk? and how to prevent that? if there is no way to prevent, so how to keep data securely?
In my case i have to keep user name and a password static , how can i secure them and prevent them to be accessed?
It’s just an android version not ios.



  1. There is no way of safely storing a secret in your dart code, it will always be possible to reverse engineer the apk and find the secret. See this question for better explanation.

    The main question is then: Why do you need to hard code a username and a password? Maybe another way is possible that does not require to have access to this information in the app. Having a backend which does all the requests to the authenticated service you want to access can be a solution.

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  2. To answer your case maybe you can check the code below. The code source

    void main() async {
      const secureStorage = FlutterSecureStorage();
      // if key not exists return null
      final encryptionKeyString = await 'key');
      if (encryptionKeyString == null) {
        final key = Hive.generateSecureKey();
        await secureStorage.write(
          key: 'key',
          value: base64UrlEncode(key),
      final key = await 'key');
      final encryptionKeyUint8List = base64Url.decode(key!);
      print('Encryption key Uint8List: $encryptionKeyUint8List');
      final encryptedBox = await Hive.openBox('vaultBox', encryptionCipher: HiveAesCipher(encryptionKeyUint8List));
      encryptedBox.put('secret', 'Hive is cool');

    From that code, you generate a random secure key that will be used to encrypt and decrypt a data with AES Encryption. From the code, there are two storage libraries, flutter_secure_storage and hive. Since the flutter_secure_storage is good for security, the random security key will be saved using this library. And the Hive is good for fast and light databases. A combination of both libraries will be good to achieve your case.

    Also, check this article. The article is a good guide to help increase the security of the Flutter app.

    I followed several guidelines from the article so that my application passed the penetration test.

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