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We can able to send a text message directly to specific contact, but I want to send a file to whatsapp contact using url launcher. How to achieve this in flutter.

Below is my code for sending only message.

String message = "sample text";
String androidURL = "${Uri.parse(message)}";

if(await canLaunchUrl(Uri.parse(URL))){
    await launchUrl(Uri.parse(URL),mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication);

This is working fine for sending text message. How to send a file by using the same. Can someone help.



  1. To send a file, you can use the whatsapp://send?file=<file_url>" URL scheme. To send an image, you can use "whatsapp://send?text=&file=<file_url>&quot; and the file format should be in jpeg or png format.

    import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
    // ...
    void _sendFileToWhatsApp() async {
      var phoneNumber = "917390123456";
      var fileUrl = ""; // Replace with the URL of the file you want to send
      var url = "whatsapp://send?phone=$phoneNumber&file=$fileUrl";
      if (await canLaunchUrl(url)) {
        await launchUrl(url);
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  2. check here. Share images or files
    _image1.path contains path of the file which is shared to the whatsapp. check here whatsapp_share

    Future<void> shareFile() async {
    await WhatsappShare.shareFile(
      text: 'Whatsapp share text',
      phone: '911234567890',
      filePath: [_image1.path, _image2.path],


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