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As stated in the title

Look at this code Example:

void main() {
  final Student student = Student('Lincoln', 29);
  print('Student before $student');

  final Student newStudent = student;
  newStudent?.name = 'Abraham';
  print('new Student $newStudent'); /// 'Abraham', 29
  print('Student after $student'); /// 'Abraham', 29 - but I need this output still 'Lincoln', 29

class Student {
  Student(, this.age);
  String? name;
  int? age;
  String toString() => '$name, $age';

From the code above if we set newStudent and make changes, the student variable also follows the changes, but I don’t want the student variable changed. How to solve this?



  1. You should make a new Student instance for the new one. If you want it to have the same name as age as the old you could do this for example:

    final Student newStudent = Student(, student.age);
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  2. and also study this example..this will clear the concept…

     final List<int> numbers=[1,2,3];
      final List<int> numbers2=numbers;
      numbers2.add(100);//this will add also to numbers
      //so use following for keep original array as it was
      final List<int> numbers3=[...numbers];//user this spread operator

    so what u have to focus is

    we passing reference not value by this statement

    Student newstudent=&student (like in C language, here & sign is not used in dart
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