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I need one help form You end, I am implementing one camera project as well, i have to make take picture in Landscape mode only, i don’t want mode, i am not able to view lands cape mode, always in portrait mode only, i cannot change lands cape mode, How to change oreaintaion, Any idea,

This is the i am using controller,

CameraController? controller;
 controller = CameraController(
      enableAudio: enableAudio,
      androidUseOpenGL: useOpenGL,

 return RotatedBox(
      quarterTurns: 7,
      //  aspectRatio: controller!.value.previewSize!.aspectRatio,
      child: CameraPreview(controller!),

This is the controller i am using for camera purpose,I cannot change in Landscape mode, how to do, is any have any Idea , Please comment, it would be appreciated



  1. CameraController? controller;

    // Initialize the CameraController with landscape orientation
    controller = CameraController(
    ResolutionPreset.high, // Choose an appropriate resolution preset
    enableAudio: enableAudio,
    androidUseOpenGL: useOpenGL,

    // UI
    return RotatedBox(
    quarterTurns: 1, // Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise for landscape orientation
    child: CameraPreview(controller!),

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  2. use quarterTurns property to move camera orientation.

        quarterTurns: 1, // Adjust this value as per your needed
        child: Stack(
          children: [
              child: AspectRatio(
                aspectRatio: controller.value.aspectRatio,
                child: CameraPreview(controller),
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  3. RotatedBox(
      quarterTurns: 1, // Rotate preview to landscape
      child: CameraPreview(controller!),

    If you need to handle potential orientation changes (e.g., during app backgrounding/foregrounding), consider using the OrientationBuilder widget to adapt UI elements based on the device’s current orientation. However, this might not be strictly necessary if you’ve locked the orientation.

      builder: (context, orientation) {
        if (orientation == Orientation.landscape) {
          // Landscape UI
        } else {
          // Handle potential portrait mode (if not locked)
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