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I want to sort the list twice.

Example list (here is an example list with models):

[Model("A", 5), Model("C", 3), Model("B", 7) Model("F", 5), Model("D", 5)]

What I want is to sort alphabetically and then numerically. If I do this, I get the following result:

[Model("C", 3), Model("A", 5), Model("D", 5) Model("F", 5), Model("B", 7)]


Sort alphabetically:

[Model("A", 5), Model("B", 7), Model("C", 3) Model("D", 5), Model("F", 5)]

Sort numerically:

[Model("C", 3), Model("A", 5), Model("F", 5) Model("D", 5), Model("B", 7)]

My code:

Stream<List<T>> function<T>({
  int Function(T lhs, T rhs) sort,
}) {
  List<T> result = …;

Stream<List<Model>> stream() {
  return function(
    sort: (a, b) => a.alphabet.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.alphabetc.toLowerCase())

Feel free to leave a comment if you need more information.

How to sort a list twice? I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance!



  1. You can call it twice after each other like this:

      (a, b) => a.alphabet.compareTo(b.alphabet),
      (a, b) => a.number.compareTo(b.number),

    in your case:

    Stream<List<T>> function<T>({
      int Function(T lhs, T rhs) sort1,
      int Function(T lhs, T rhs) sort2,
    }) {
      List<T> result = …;

    result :

    for (var element in modelList) {
      print("element = ${element.alphabet}"); //C, A, D, F, B
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  2. Try the following code, first, implement the Comparable class on you Model class, and implement the compareTo method like this:

    class Model implements Comparable {
      final String char;
      final int number;
      Model(this.char, this.number);
      toString() {
        return "Model('$char', '$number')";
      int compareTo(other) {
        if (other is Model) {
          if (number == other.number) {
            return other.char.compareTo(char);
          } else {
            return other.number.compareTo(number);
        } else {
          return 0;

    Then, taking this example

    List<Model> a = [
        Model("A", 5),
        Model("C", 3),
        Model("B", 7),
        Model("F", 5),
        Model("D", 5),

    Trying to sort it will get you to your desired result:

    a.sort((a, b) => b.compareTo(a) );
    print(a); // [Model('C', '3'), Model('A', '5'), Model('D', '5'), Model('F', '5'), Model('B', '7')]
    Login or Signup to reply.
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