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i am creating a social media like app, when user clicks on post ,it redirects to a commentpage,in commentspage data is coming from a seperate API,so when go back using Navigator.pop(context), the data in home is not updated, if pressed like button,its not reflecting in ui, but updating in Api,

i wrapped Navigator with setstate but its not reflecting,



  1. Use this on navigator push Navigator.push(context).then((value)=>setState((){}); when it pop the screen it will run the setState

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  2. Use this sentence to go to the second page so the function will wait second screen to close

    bool result = await Navigator.push(context);

    when u close the second screen use this sentence Navigator.pop(context, true);

    so when u comment has been posted successfully, u will back to screen one and complete the function if result boolean is true, else do nothing.

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