Hi I’m new to Flutter.
I had been getting an exception There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: .
when using DropdownButton
class. And it was resolved once by setting an initial select referring to this Q&A.
But I don’t want to set an initial value. Is there any way not to set it but no exception?
I have two classes and one constant to show the dropdown button. Here is the constant that is a list for creating DropdownMenuItems:
List<String> prefectures = const [
And this is the class that expand DropdownButton
class MyDropdownButton extends StatelessWidget {
final String value;
final void Function(String?) onChanged;
final List<String> options;
final String? hintText;
const MyDropdownButton(
{required this.value, required this.onChanged, required this.options, this.hintText, super.key}
List<DropdownMenuItem<String>> createOptions() {
return options.toSet().map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>(
(option) => DropdownMenuItem(value : option, child : Text(option))
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return DropdownButtonHideUnderline(
child : DropdownButton(
elevation : 3,
items : createOptions(),
onChanged : onChanged,
style : const TextStyle(
color : Colors.black,
fontSize : 15
value : value
And this is where I use the class above:
// They are also passed from other class.
value : widget.prefectureValue, // this has null value
onChanged : widget.onChangedPrefecture, // (String? newValue) => setState(() => _prefectureValue = newValue);
options : prefectures
The solution is simple keep the initialValue null provided that you are on the latest version of flutter 3.5 or above
the output will look like the following
There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]’s value: means you are having same value more than one DropdownMenuItem. You can convert the data-list to Set, most time it works.
Here the items is
And the dropDownButton
Fixed model
Here is how I am using it