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This happens after fetching data from an api.

The request executes successfully and i get a json response of departments but I can’t process the response. Uncaught (in promise) Error: Expected a value of type ‘String’, but got one of type ‘TypeErrorImpl’

The json response object

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": "56c8b5f8-7f74-4f0c-9fc0-9a3c411bc3a4",
            "image": "",
            "name": "Education And Child Development",
            "slug": "education-and-child-development",
            "created_at": "2023-02-23T14:51:39Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-14T14:24:10.699998Z"
    "message": "Departments successfuly retrieved"

The department.dart file

class Department {
  String id;
  String image;
  String name;
  String slug;


  Department.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    id = json['id'].toString();
    image = json['image'] != null ? json['image'] : null;
    name = json['name'] != null ? json['name'] : null;
    slug = json['slug'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
    data['id'] =;
    data['image'] = this.image;
    data['name'] =;
    data['slug'] = this.slug;
    return data;

The function fetching the data

Future<Stream<Department>> getSchoolDepartments() async {
  final String url =

  final client = new http.Client();

  try {
    final streamedRest = await client.send(http.Request('get', Uri.parse(url)));

    print("Status code : " + streamedRest.statusCode.toString());

        .map((data) => Helper.getData(data))
        .expand((data) => (data as List))
        .map((data) {
      print("data : " + data);
      return Department.fromJson(data);
  } on Exception catch (e) {

The processing function in school_controller.dart

  void listenForDepartments() async {
    print("starting departments stream");
    final Stream<Department> stream = await getSchoolDepartments();
    stream.listen((Department _department) {
      setState(() => departments.add(_department));
    }, onError: (a) {
      print("Failed to add department : " + a);
    }, onDone: () {});

I am expecting a successfull processing with departments object populated with data from json response.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The error actually comes from calling the methods below

    1. print("data : " + data); Must be print("data : $data");

    2. print("Failed to add department : " + a); Must be print("Failed to add department : $a");

  2. These don’t make much sense:

    image = json['image'] != null ? json['image'] : null;
    name = json['name'] != null ? json['name'] : null;

    it’s literally the same as

    image = json['image'];
    name = json['name'];

    You’d probably want to do

    image = json['image'] != null ? json['image'] : '';
    name = json['name'] != null ? json['name'] : '';

    Or make those fields nullable.

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