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The phone number should start with 0 followed by 6 or 7 and should contain 10 digits only

Here are some sample phone numbers

0754758644 ,0621165600

Here is what I tried

String pattern = r'(^(?:[0]9)?[0-9]{10,12}$)';



  1. Use this regex pattern –

    String pattern = r'([0][6,7]d{8})

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  2. this regex should work for you:

    String pattern = r'(^0(6|7)d{8}$)'

    I limited the digits to 8, because the 0 and the 6/7 already take up two digits of the length. The {8} only limits the direct predecessor (the digits matcher d).

    find out more about this regex here: regex101

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  3. String pattern = r'^(?:[+0][1-9])?[0-9]{10,12}$';
    RegExp regExp = new RegExp(patttern);

    or you can apply keyboardtype property to textfield or textformfield if you are not familiar with regExp

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  4. You can match a zero, then either 6 or 7 using character class followed by 8 digits.

    For a match only, you can omit the capture group.

    String pattern = r'^0[67]d{8}$' 
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