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Here is my code :

try {
      _channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(

        (data) async {
          final response = jsonDecode(data);
          if (response['audio'] != null) {
              final audioChunk = response['audio'] as String;
              final uint8List = Uint8List.fromList(base64.decode(audioChunk));

              await _audioPlayer.setAudioSource(
                  children: [

                        mimeType: 'audio/mpeg',
            catch (e){
              print("Error setting audio source and playing: $e");


I am able to get the response and am converting it to uint8List and trying to play it but its not playing anything and I am getting error :

flutter: Error setting audio source and playing: (-11828) Cannot Open
flutter: Error setting audio source and playing:
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method load on
flutter: Error setting audio source and playing: (-11828) Cannot Open

How can I play it? Is there any other package that can do it? I am successfully getting the response but am just not able to play it



  1. This example comes from the just_audio README:

    // Feed your own stream of bytes into the player
    class MyCustomSource extends StreamAudioSource {
      final List<int> bytes;
      Future<StreamAudioResponse> request([int? start, int? end]) async {
        start ??= 0;
        end ??= bytes.length;
        return StreamAudioResponse(
          sourceLength: bytes.length,
          contentLength: end - start,
          offset: start,
          stream: Stream.value(bytes.sublist(start, end)),
          contentType: 'audio/mpeg',
    await player.setAudioSource(MyCustomSource(...));;

    You can define your own custom subclass of StreamAudioSource that feeds audio data into just_audio. Since part of the returned StreamAudioResponse is a stream, you can just transform and redirect your websocket stream into this StreamAudioResponse. So instead of:

    Stream.value(bytes.sublist(start, end)),

    you could use something like:

            .map((data) => data['audio'])

    Since this audio source would continuously stream the audio data to just_audio, you would just call setAudioSource once and not repeatedly.

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  2. I just made my account so I unfortunately don’t have enough reputation to leave a comment however, I did also try the answer from Ryan Heise. What I found is that all the bytes need to be loaded into the StreamAudioSource before the player starts to buffer. I made a project to mimc my stream of bytes by using a random .mp3 file.

    I have pasted my code and the logs below:

        class MyCustomSource extends StreamAudioSource {
          StreamController<List<int>> bytes;
          Future<StreamAudioResponse> request([int? start, int? end]) async {
            start = 0;
            end = 0;
            return StreamAudioResponse(
              sourceLength: end,
              contentLength: end - start,
              offset: start,
              contentType: 'audio/mpeg',
        void mimicStream(AudioPlayer player) async {
          StreamController<Uint8List> streamController = StreamController<Uint8List>();
          ByteData data = await rootBundle.load('assets/temp_response.mp3');
          Uint8List bytesU8 = data.buffer.asUint8List();
          Uint8List accumulatedBytes = Uint8List(0);
          int start = 0;
          int end = 8191;
          print('Starting stream of chunks');
          Duration timeTaken =;
          Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 100), (Timer t) {
            print('start $start');
            // Emit the bytes
            streamController.add(bytesU8.sublist(start, end));
            // Extend the accumulatedBytes with the newBytes
            accumulatedBytes =
                Uint8List.fromList(accumulatedBytes + bytesU8.sublist(start, end));
            start = end + 1;
            end += 8192;
            timeTaken += Duration(milliseconds: 500);
            // Stop the timer if end exceeds the length of uint8List
            if (end >= bytesU8.length) {
              print('stream of chunks ended ended -- time taken ${timeTaken.inSeconds} seconds');
          MyCustomSource audioInBytes = MyCustomSource(streamController);
          player.playerStateStream.listen((event) {
            print('playerStateStream -- ${event}');
          await player.setAudioSource(audioInBytes);

    From the logs, you can see that the stream had to complete before the audio player actually played. I’m not too sure how we can get the bytes to play as each chunk is received. Any help would also be appreciated.

    Starting stream of chunks
    playerStateStream -- playing=false,processingState=ProcessingState.idle
    playerStateStream -- playing=false,processingState=ProcessingState.loading
    start 0
    start 8192
    start 16384
    start 24576
    start 32768
    start 40960
    start 49152
    start 57344
    start 65536
    start 73728
    start 81920
    start 90112
    start 98304
    start 106496
    start 114688
    start 122880
    start 131072
    start 139264
    start 147456
    stream of chunks ended ended -- time taken 9 seconds
    playerStateStream -- playing=false,processingState=ProcessingState.buffering
    playerStateStream -- playing=false,processingState=ProcessingState.ready
    playerStateStream -- playing=true,processingState=ProcessingState.ready
    playerStateStream -- playing=true,processingState=ProcessingState.buffering
    playerStateStream -- playing=true,processingState=ProcessingState.ready
    playerStateStream -- playing=true,processingState=ProcessingState.completed
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