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I have a section of my flutter/dart code that I want to include only when building for debugging. I could create a custom define like this:

import 'dart:developer';

void main() {
  #if DEBUG
  log('This message will only be printed in debug mode');

  // Other code that runs in both debug and release modes

…and use it like this…

flutter build apk --dart-define=DEBUG=true

But, it would be better if I didn’t have to remember to set that flag. Is there a cleaner way to do this?



  1. The KDebugmode Variable might be what you are looking for


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  2. The flag mentioned by @nlykk12 is the one you need – it works out of the box.
    In your example it would be:

    import 'dart:developer';
    void main() {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        log('This message will only be printed in debug mode');
      // Other code that runs in both debug and release modes

    To build it in debug mode you would only need:

    flutter build apk --debug

    To make sure you’re building in a release mode:

    flutter build apk --release

    * (the --release and --debug) flags work for other distributions, not only apk.

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