I’m using provider to add items to my cart, but when I add items to the cart and print the cart List,
it appears as the following
Here is my function
class CartList extends ChangeNotifier {
Map<String, CartModel> _cart = {};
Map get cart => _cart;
void addToCart({required String productId,price,title,image}){
// When a item is added to the cart that already exists, update quantity by one
_cart.update(productId,(value)=> CartModel(key: value.key,name:value.name,image:value.image,price:value.price,quantity: value.quantity! + 1,totalPrice: 0));
// If the item is not in the cart, add it
else {
_cart[productId] = CartModel(key: productId,name:title,image:image,price:price,quantity: 1,totalPrice: 0);
I’m not sure if that structure is right but I just want to print each property inside my cartPage.
here is my cartPage.dart:
class cartPage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final shoppingList = Provider.of<CartList>(context);
final items = shoppingList.cart;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Cart"),
body: SafeArea(
child: Column(
children: [
itemCount: items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = items[index];
return ListTile(
title: Text(item.name),
subtitle: Text('${item.quantity}'),
// trailing: IconButton(
// icon: Icon(Icons.delete),
// onPressed: () => shoppingList.removeItem(index),
// ),
Answered , It's correct to see this value when printing your cart. However, you can still map through your values using ListView.builder.
in your
class you have to add an ovverride oftoString
so that when you print that class, it prints you whatever value you put in thetoString
method:now when you try to print it, it will work