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I hope you can help me, I have this json to send in a request

  "taxpayer": _person,
  "customerType": _dropdownTypeClient,
  "rfc": _rfc.text,
  "name": _name.text,
  "fatherSurname": _firstName.text,
  "motherSurname": _lastName.text,
  "businessName": _razonSocial.text,
  "contact": _contact.text,
  "phone": _phone.text,
  "cell": _cellphone.text,
  "taxRegime": _dropdownTax,
  "mailList": [
    {"mail": _email.text},
    {"mail": _emailTwo.text}
  "workType": _dropdownWorkType,
  "howToContact": _dropdownHowToContact

but i want to send the mailList as a real List, because th emailTwo is optional and when I send the information the DB counts the empty value. How i do the converse ? I tried this for simplicity but it didnt work.

//List mails = [];


//if (_emailTwo.text.isNotEmpty) {



  1. You can use a simple if inside the map literal, like so:

      "mailList": [
        {"mail": _email.text},
        if (_emailTwo.text.isNotEmpty)
          {"mail": _emailTwo.text},
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  2. It is impossible to know exactly why is your attempt "not working" without you giving the error messages. But we can guess, maybe you should try this:

    List<dynamic> mails = [];
    final email2 = _emailTwo.text;
    if (email2.isNotEmpty) {
      mails.add({"mail":email2 });
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