I am developing one chat app and I am adding data to chatList which is the list of model and I am getting the newest data from the backend like when I call API it will give the last message so I need to get data from pagination without using any lazy loading method or something so for that I need to call API when I get data to get more data and my list is reverse list (I have UI different so I can’t use reverse property in listview) so I need to insert data to first index like this list.insertAll(0,data)
but when I do that my list is automatically scrolled but when I use list.add()
it is not automatically scrolling.
I have tried most of the methods and scroll physics even I have made one custom scroll physics which remains scroll when inserting data but nothing works in my project I have created on demo project and it is working in that.
Can you try the following?
Add this Scrollcontroller to your widget.
Add the controller to your ListView (or whatever you use)
Lets first try with a button.
Just try to add Controller with "keepScrollOffset" property see if it works.
Use this statement while adding data to list