In my app, users can write in English as well as Arabic. So for English, I want to use "Poppins" as font style, and for Arabic, I want to use "sfArabic". I did not find any proper solution for that.
Below is my expected output –
Try below packages hope its help to you.
You can customize style of any text in TextField by extending TextEditingController and override buildTextSpan method.
Check the code below:-
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class MultiStyleTextEditingController extends TextEditingController { bool isEnglishWord(String input) => RegExp(r'^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$').hasMatch(input); bool isArabicWord(String input) => RegExp(r"^[ء-ي]+$").hasMatch(input); @override TextSpan buildTextSpan( {required BuildContext context, TextStyle? style, required bool withComposing}) { final words = text.split(''); var textStyle = const TextStyle(); final textSpanChildren = <TextSpan>[]; for (var word in words) { if (isEnglishWord(word)) { textStyle = textStyle.copyWith(color:, fontFamily: 'Poppins'); } else if (isArabicWord(word)) { textStyle = textStyle.copyWith(color:, fontFamily: 'sfArabic'); } final TextStyle newTextStyle = style?.merge(textStyle) ?? textStyle; final child = TextSpan( text: word, style: newTextStyle, ); textSpanChildren.add(child); } return TextSpan( style: style, children: textSpanChildren, ); } }
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Try below packages hope its help to you.
You can customize style of any text in TextField by extending TextEditingController and override buildTextSpan method.
Check the code below:-