Here’s an example of declaring the height & width of a SizedBox:
SizedBox(width: 40, height: 40)
In some cases (on other devices), I’ve noticed that sometimes the dimensions get overflowed and causes errors. In my mind, I thought that declaring by pixel number would be universal across all devices because 200 pixels should be 200 pixels regardless of device screen size. But clearly I was wrong, so is there a quick or easy way to fix my error to make sure the width/height stays universal across all devices?
The problem with using MediaQuery.of(context).size.width is that in some instances whenever you have a wide screen or when the user tilts the phone in landscape view, using MediaQuery would make the width or height way too long & would not pass the esthetic test.
Thank you for any help!
Consider using the
to set a percentage of the width/height that should be taken from all screens:If you want to create a condition for each screen size but avoid messy code. You should try to do it with an extension.
For example:
And use it like
The thing with this is that you should do like in CSS, a different getter extension for differents components