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I had a Flutter project with an app already being developed on local, and copied the files to a new folder so I use it as a repository for Git.
After doing the "pubspec get packages" everything is all right except from some lines that are related to Riverpod. If I return to the old folder the exact same code work perfectly finde so I guess I have to do something more. Here there is an example:

final nombreJuegoTextFieldProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) {
  return '';
void updateNombreJuegoTextField(BuildContext context, String nombre) { = nombre;

And the problem showed is:

The method 'read' isn't defined for the type 'BuildContext'.
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'read'.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I just repeated the same process again and everything works, I guess the copy paste I did the first time had an error I don't know.

  2. have you tried

    -> deleting .gitignore files
    -> Run flutter clean project

    or maybe the paths got messed up.

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  3. You probably haven’t copied all the files to the new folder. Repeat copying. This should include all directories and files from the previous version.

    Then run two commands:

    flutter clean
    flutter pub get

    In this example of the code presented, the provider’s state can be accessed using ref: = nombre;
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  4. is from Provider package

    For riverpod, you need to use

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