I try to create screenshots for my iOS Flutter app using the iOS simmulator.
I need those screenshots to submit my app to the App Store.
The problem is, all the simulators (iPhone, iPad etc) show a prominent DEBUG sign on the top of the simulator screen (see the screenshot).
Is there a setting, either in xCode or Simulator app that allows to run the simulator in non-debug mode?
App store requires screenshots for several different types of devices, and I dont’t have (or can afford) all of them.
I run xCode 14 on macOs Monterrey.
In a more general mode – how do people create screenshots for iOS without owning a bunch of physical Apple devices?
I looked for a way to run xCode in non-debug mode, with no success.
I also ran iOS simulator using "flutter run" command out of the console, but it still launches the iOS simulator in a debug mode.
PurplePolyhedron - thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I set the debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false and it did the trick.
Thanks again!
CupertinoApp(debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,)
orMaterialApp(debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,)
depending on which one you use.also you need to run
flutter run --release
to run release build.See https://docs.flutter.dev/testing/build-modes