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hi and hello everyone ,

i am new with flutter and dart

and i am start using isar database
and everything is good and ok

but i have problem with Search

i create function for search

  getAll(String search) async* {
    final isar = await db;
    final query = isar.books

    await for (final results in true)) {
      if (results.isNotEmpty) {
        yield results;

and i add Search i home screen like this in TextField :

onChanged: (value) {
isarService.getAll(search: value);


but not work with me i try everthing but no work

soory for my english



  1. maybe you should wait for the response:

    onChanged: (value) async {
    await isarService.getAll(search: value);
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  2. Inside your getAllBooks() just remove .build()

    Stream<List<Book>> getAllBooks({String? search}) async* {
    final isar = await db;
    final query = isar.books
        .titleContains(search ?? '', caseSensitive: false);
    await for (final results in true)) {
      if (results.isNotEmpty) {
        yield results;

    Convert your book_list_screen.dart class in StatefulWidget, and use a variable.

    String search = ""; //for searching

    Inside your TextField’s onChanged()

    onChanged: (value) {
        setState(() {
                    search = value;

    and inside your Expanded widget use something like this

        child: StreamBuilder<List<Book>>(
              stream: widget.isarService.getAllBooks(search: search),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {

    enter image description here

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