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I’m trying to navigate between the loading screen and the main app screen using the inline if in the body parameter of the Scaffold object of the main Screen , using the code :

body : data == null?
  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
data1 == null?
  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
:Center(child: Text('Data imported successfully'),)

Note : the data1 is delayed with 10 sec from the data.

so I needed a setState so when the two conditions have false value the Data imported successfully text appears in the middle of the screen , I’m importing the data and the data1 in the initState of the main screen with the code :

void initState() {
    // TODO: implement initState
          getDataFromDatabase().then((value){setState(() {});});
          getDataFromDatabase1().then((value){setState(() {});});

sometimes the code work properly and sometimes doesn’t

I wonder why this is happening and how can I solve it ?

Thank you very much!



  1. change you initState to this:

    void initState() {
        createDatabase().then((value) => getDataFromDatabase()),
        createDatabase1().then((value) => getDataFromDatabase1().timeout(Duration(seconds: 10))),
      ]).then((List<dynamic> results) {
        setState(() {
          data = results[0];
          data1 = results[1];
      }).catchError((error) {
        // Handle any errors

    I hope I could solve your problem.

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  2. Check below code that reduce your line of code as well as rebuild of flutter page

    void initState() {
            // TODO: implement initState
          Future<void> _createDatabaseFunc() async {
            var firstDB = await createDatabase();
            var data = await getDataFromDatabase();
            var firstDB1 = await createDatabase1();
            var data1 = await getDataFromDatabase1();
            setState(() {}); // only single time refresh 
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