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I need the texts to always be the same size regardless of the device settings.

I have tried using these codes but without success:
in the Widget Text:

  • fontSize: 20 * MediaQuery.textScaleFactorOf(context)
  • fontSize: 20 * MediaQuery.of(context).textScaleFactor
  • textScaleFactor


MediaQueryData = MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(
  textScaleFactor: 1.0,

return MediaQuery(
  data: mediaQueryData,
  child: MyApp()

but if I put small font size in the device settings, the text will be a different size than when it is set to large.

MediaQuery.textScaleFactorOf(context) return always 1

How do I determine what the user has set?

What should I do?
Thank you



  1. There are several methods to approach this. I will give you my method.

    Step 1

    Create a file called size_config.dart and paste the below code

    class SizeConfig {
      static double? _screenWidth;
      static double? _screenHeight;
      static double _blockWidth = 0;
      static double _blockHeight = 0;
      static double? textMultiplier;
      static double? imageSizeMultiplier;
      static double? heightMultiplier;
      static double? widthMultiplier;
      static bool isPortrait = true;
      static bool isMobilePortrait = false;
      void init(BoxConstraints constraints, Orientation orientation) {
        if (orientation == Orientation.portrait) {
          _screenWidth = constraints.maxWidth;
          _screenHeight = constraints.maxHeight;
          isPortrait = true;
          if (_screenWidth! < 450) {
            isMobilePortrait = true;
        } else {
          _screenWidth = constraints.maxHeight;
          _screenHeight = constraints.maxWidth;
          isPortrait = false;
          isMobilePortrait = false;
        _blockWidth = _screenWidth! / 100;
        _blockHeight = _screenHeight! / 100;
        textMultiplier = _blockHeight;
        imageSizeMultiplier = _blockWidth;
        heightMultiplier = _blockHeight;
        widthMultiplier = _blockWidth;

    Step 2

    In main.dart We need to init the Size Config

    class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return LayoutBuilder(
      builder: (context, constraints) {
        return OrientationBuilder(builder: (context, orientation) {
              constraints, orientation); // Initialize the size configuration.
          return MaterialApp(
            title: 'Example',
            debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
            theme: AppTheme.darkTheme,
            home: SplashPage(authRepository: AuthRepository()),

    How to use

    Select one screen first and measure the size. For example 414 x 896 is size then

    32 text size you need to acheive

    32 / ( 896 / 100 ) = 3.6

    textsize / ( screen_height / 100 ) = value

    so we can use it as

    3.6 * SizeConfig.textMultiplier!

    Height case

    3.6 * SizeConfig.heightMultiplier!

    Width case

    The formula is different

    size / ( screen_width / 100 ) = value

    32 / ( 414 / 100 ) = 7.73

    7.73 * SizeConfig.widthMultiplier!

    By this way you can achieve almost pixel perfect responsive design

    Youtube Ref: click here

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  2. Here is my solution. This code snippet is used to automatically scale the text size based on the device’s width.

    class TextScaled extends StatelessWidget {
      const TextScaled({Key? key, required this.text,, this.textAlign, this.overflow, this.maxLines, this.softWrap}) : super(key: key);
      final String text;
      final TextStyle? style;
      final TextAlign? textAlign;
      final TextOverflow? overflow;
      final int? maxLines;
      final bool? softWrap;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Text(
          style: style,
          textScaleFactor: _ScaleSize.textScaleFactor(context),
          textAlign: textAlign,
          overflow: overflow,
          maxLines: maxLines,
          softWrap: softWrap,
    class _ScaleSize {
      static double textScaleFactor(BuildContext context, {double maxTextScaleFactor = 2}) {
        final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
        double val = (width / breakpoint) * maxTextScaleFactor; //breakpoint 768 for me
        return min(val, maxTextScaleFactor);

    The usage is as follows

     text: "greetings from hwa",
     style: textStyle(),
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