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I need to how to handle a stream builder with boolean data.

I need to know how to send bool data to my StreamBuilder in the HomePage,
I was using (!snapshot.hasData) but this method only see if theres data or not no matter if they are true or false.

and i need that know the difference betwen false and true,
to show me a widget only when geolocator returns true and another widget only when it returns false


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final locationService = Provider.of<GeolocatorService>(context);

    return Scaffold(
        body: StreamBuilder(
            stream: locationService.refreshLocation,
            builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
              if (!snapshot.hasData) {
                return _EnableGpsMessage();
              return _AccessButton();


  bool _gpsEnabled = false;

  bool get gpsEnabled => _gpsEnabled;
  set gpsEnabled(bool value) {
    _gpsEnabled = value;

  final StreamController _refreshLocation = new StreamController.broadcast();

  Stream get refreshLocation =>;

  _checkGpsStatus() async {
    final isEnabled = await Geolocator.isLocationServiceEnabled();
    print('FROM GEOLOCATOR SERVICE $isEnabled');
    // this._refreshLocation.sink.add(isEnabled);

    Geolocator.getServiceStatusStream().listen((event) {
      final statusStream =
          (event.index == 1) ? gpsEnabled = true : gpsEnabled = false;

    // return (!isEnabled) ? gpsEnabled = false : gpsEnabled = true;



  1. is the one which contains the value (which can be bool, Object, or something else).

    hasData is the method to know if data is available or not.

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  2. To show different widgets based on the boolean value received in a StreamBuilder, you can use this code also i have explain in comments for your help –

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      final locationService = Provider.of<GeolocatorService>(context);
      return Scaffold(
        body: StreamBuilder(
          stream: locationService.refreshLocation,
          builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> snapshot) {
            if (!snapshot.hasData) {
              return _EnableGpsMessage();
            } else if (!) { // `!` is used to mark `data` as non-null
              return _AccessButton(); // Show this widget when the data is `true`
            } else {
              return _DisableGpsMessage(); // Show this widget when the data is `false`

    And in the provider, where you handle the GPS status changes, you can update the stream with the boolean value like this –

    _checkGpsStatus() async {
      final isEnabled = await Geolocator.isLocationServiceEnabled();
      print('FROM GEOLOCATOR SERVICE $isEnabled');
      final statusStream = (isEnabled) ? true : false; // Get the boolean value
      gpsEnabled = statusStream; // Update the state of the provider
      this._refreshLocation.sink.add(statusStream); // Send the boolean value through the stream

    i hope it will work let me know if it works or not..

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  3. The value is in

    if (snapshot.hasData) { 
      if ( ?? false) {
        return TrueWidget();
      else {
        return FalseWidget();
    return LoadingWidget();
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