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I have the problem with updating the documentUid as in array at the same time which I get a snapShot from here
var userDocumentUid =["membersUid"]; But it says list’ can’t be assigned to the parameter type ‘string?’. Here .doc(userDocumentUid??[])

Full code:

              stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance
              builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<DocumentSnapshot> snapshot) {
              //get array snapShot as show in img๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
              var userDocumentUid =["membersUid"];


                          onPressed: () async => await firestore
                               //problem here๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
                                'counts': FieldValue.arrayUnion(['1'])

Img: enter image description here

Update ‘counts’ of both users using userDocumentUid at the same time

enter image description here



  1. Firstly, doc() requires a String value and you’re passing whole array i.e. userDocumentUid. You should pass with index like userDocumentUid[index].

    Secondly, You’re using null aware operator in doc(userDocumentUid??[]) and passing an empty array if userDocumentUid[index] is null.. That’s wrong. You should make sure to pass a non-nullable userDocumentUid[index]. if you replace [] with "", this error will no come again but will come something like no document to update if userDocumentUid[index] is null.

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  2. please check whether userDocumentId(list) should be passed as a json or not.

    because json.encode(anything) gives you string and we can pass it as json like

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