I am trying to convert a firebase user from Anonymous to permanent using email/password and running into errors.
The documentation and other articles state that I should linkWithProvider but it throws an exception that the email should be verified first, however, doing so throws another exception asking me to login first.
Here are snippets of what I tried so far
final emailAuthCredential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(
email: email,
password: password,
await currentUser.linkWithProvider(emailAuthCredential);
FirebaseAuthException ([firebase_auth/operation-not-allowed] Please verify the new email before changing email.)
final emailAuthCredential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(
email: email,
password: password,
await currentUser.verifyBeforeUpdateEmail(email);
FirebaseAuthException ([firebase_auth/requires-recent-login] This operation is sensitive and requires recent authentication. Log in again before retrying this request.)
The solution was in the documentation (duh...). You now have to use the identity platform API and call signup with the anonymous token.
You can use this code