I used to parse JSON to list of objects by the following way:
final response = await api(map);
var raw = jsonDecode(response.body)[0];
dataList = parseJson(raw["datalist"]);
List<dataRecord> parseJson(String responseBody) {
final parsed = convert.jsonDecode(responseBody).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
return parsed.map<dataRecord>((json) => dataRecord.fromJson(json)).toList();
and the JSON is in this format:
datalist: [{"id": 29737, "rent": 700, "unit": "A", .....
this works fine in all of my existing projects.
However, I am now retrieving data from an external source and the JSON is in this format:
data: [{id: 4109486, unicorn_id: 7836045, memorial_id: 23072601320076, ...
field labels and string values all without quotes, and I am not able to use the same parseJson
function to parse the JSON.
Use this method to add quotes around the keys and string values in the response.
One possible way is to add a hook to the JSON parser.
First hook to parse
.The second hook is to parse
.This allows you to parse regular JSON and JSON that uses identifiers as object keys.