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Let’s say I have a data class Dog that includes a List of puppies.

class Dog extends Equatable{
    final int id;
    final List<Puppy> listOfPuppies;

    Dog({required,required  this.listOfPuppies});

    Dog copyWith({int? newId, List<Puppy>? newListOfPuppies}){
        return Dog(id: newId ?? id, listOfPuppies: newListOfPuppies ?? listOfPuppies);

  List<Object?> get props => [id, listOfPuppies];

class Puppy extends Equatable{
  final String name;
  final int age;

  Puppy({required, required this.age});
  Puppy copyWith({int? newAge, String? newName}){
        return Puppy(age: newAge?? age, name: newName ?? name);
  List<Object?> get props => [name, age];

And later down the line I need to update one of the puppies inside the dog class without:

  1. Changing the order of the listOfPuppies variable provided using Riverpod (important)
  2. Affecting the other puppies and possibly re-creating them unnecessarily (not important)

For reference I’m using Riverpod and providing the dog anywhere in the app. This is the controller class:

class DogController extends StateNotifier<Dog>{
  void updatePuppy(Puppy newPuppy){
    //update specific puppy here inside the listOfPuppies list
    //state = state.copyWith(listOfPuppies: );

I’m clueless on how I need to update the puppy using the constraints given above.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    My case was a bit more tedious, but with the given instructions from Ruble I was able to update everything smoothly. In my case there was only one more model that was including the Dog class.

    Owner model:

    class Owner extends Equatable {
      final List<Dog> dogs;
      const Owner({required this.dogs});
      Owner copyWith(List<Dog>? newDogs){
        return Owner(dogs: newDogs?? dogs);

    Dog model:

    class Dog extends Equatable {
      final List<Puppy> puppies;
      const Dog({required this.puppies});
      Dog copyWith(List<Puppy>? newPuppies){
        return Dog(puppies: newPuppies?? puppies);

    And finally the Puppy model was as following:

    class Puppy extends Equatable {
      final bool isVaccinated;
      const Puppy({required this.isVaccinated});
      Puppy copyWith(bool? newIsVaccinated){
        return Puppy(isEnabled: newIsVaccinated?? isVaccinated);

    To update the isVaccinated field inside one of the Puppy models I had to follow these steps inside the controller class:

    void updatePuppy(Puppy puppyToUpdate, bool newIsVaccinated){
      //1. find the Dog index that contains the Puppy passed as parameter
      final dogIndex = state.owner.dogs!.indexWhere((dog) => dog.puppies!.contains(puppyToUpdate));
      //2. save all old dogs so we can update them later
      final listOfOldDogs = state.owner.dogs!;
      //3. save the dog that contains the puppy we need (with the index we found in step 1)
      final selectedDog = state.owner.dogs![dogIndex];
      //4. save all old puppies so we can update them later
      final listOfOldPuppies = selectedDog.puppies!;
      //find the puppy index that is equal to the puppy passed as parameter
      final puppyIndex = selectedDog.puppies!.indexWhere((puppy) => puppy == puppyToUpdate);
      //update relevant puppy inside the old puppy list (saved in step 4)
      listOfOldPuppies[puppyIndex] = puppyToUpdate.copyWith(isVaccinated: newIsVaccinated);
      //create a section same as the one we selected above in [selectedSection] variable, by just updating its list of fields
      final updatedDog = selectedDog.copyWith(puppies: listOfOldPuppies);
      //update the selected dog in the listOfOldDogs list (saved in step 2)
      listOfOldDogs[dogIndex] = updatedDog;
      //copy the whole list of dogs into the owner using its copyWith method
      final newOwner = state.owner.copyWith(dogs: listOfOldDogs);
      //finally update the state with the new owner
      state = state.copyWith(owner: owner);

    This way old puppies and dogs were not moved inside the list and only the relevant puppy's isVaccinated field was updated.

  2. You can do it this way:

    void updatePuppy(Puppy newPuppy){
        final oldListOfPuppies = state.listOfPuppies;
        final indexNewPuppy = state.listOfPuppies.indexOf(newPuppy);
        oldListOfPuppies[indexNewPuppy] = newPuppy;
        state = state.copyWith(
        newListOfPuppies: oldListOfPuppies
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