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In my form validation I already added stuff like the username already exists or it should be longer than n letters etc. but now I want to add more restrictions and display a message that says ‘username’ is invalid when it’s not in English or if it has stuff like underscores slashes etc. is there a way for me to do that?



  1. For just the English Alphabets you need to set a regex for the alphabetical pattern checking. Create a static final field for the RegExp to avoid creating a new instance every time a value is checked.

    static final RegExp alphaExp = RegExp('[a-zA-Z]'); 

    And then to use it :

    validator: (value) => value.isEmpty 
        ? 'Enter Your Name'
        : (alphaExp.hasMatch(value) 
            ? null 
            : 'Only Alphabets are allowed in a username');
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  2. you can set textfields validations like this it will only except characters a to z. and add validation in textfield through this

    class FormValidator {
          static String validateEmail(String? name) {
            if (name!.isEmpty) {
              return 'Name is must not e empty';
            String pattern =
            RegExp regExp = RegExp(pattern);
            if (!regExp.hasMatch(name)) {
              return 'invalid name';
            return '';
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