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Both are used as declarative way for navigation, but depending on use-case when should we use auto-route and go route?

Difference between both and use cases that when should we use a particular package for navigation in points.

Alternative packages for navigations other than go and auto route.



  1. Auto Router and Go Router are used as declarative ways for navigation in Flutter, but they have some differences like below.

    Auto Route:

    It’s a Flutter navigation package, it allows for strongly-typed arguments passing, effortless deep-linking and it uses code generation to simplify routes setup. With that being said, it requires a minimal amount of code to generate everything needed for navigation inside of your App.

    Go Router

    A declarative routing package for Flutter that uses the Router API to provide a convenient, url-based API for navigating between different screens. You can define URL patterns, navigate using a URL, handle deep links, and a number of other navigation-related scenarios.

    Auto Route Go Router
    Declarative Routing Declarative Routing
    Code Generation No Code Generation
    Route Guards Simplified Route Guards
    Nested Navigation Integrated with Flutter’s Navigation 2.0
    Integration with Flutter Widgets State Management Integration

    Key Differences-

    Code Generation:

    Auto Route relies on code generation for defining routes, which can add an extra step in the development process but provides strong type safety and reduced boilerplate.

    Go Router does not use code generation, offering a more straightforward approach where routes are defined directly in the code.

    Complexity and Setup:

    Auto Route can be more complex to set up initially due to the need for code generation and configuration.

    Go Router is typically easier to set up and use, especially for smaller projects or developers who prefer a less intrusive setup.


    Auto Route provides more features for managing complex navigation flows, such as nested navigation and custom route transitions.

    Go Router is simpler and more focused on integrating with the Navigator 2.0 API, making it more flexible for URL-based navigation in web apps.

    Read more about auto_route and go_router and difference as well here

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  2. Both Auto Router and Go Router are used as declarative ways for navigation in Flutter, but they have some differences.

    1. Auto Router:

      • Code Generation: Auto Router uses code generation to create navigation routes. It generates route classes based on annotations in your code.
      • Declarative Syntax: You define your routes using annotations in your Dart code. This makes it easy to set up routes and pass parameters.
      • Navigator 2.0 Integration: Auto Router is compatible with Navigator 2.0, which allows for deep linking and better control over navigation.
      • Use Cases: Auto Router is suitable for most use cases where you need simple navigation with parameter passing.
      • Alternative Packages: If you’re looking for other navigation packages, consider Fluro or Get.
    2. Go Router:

      • Declarative Syntax: Go Router is also declarative, but it doesn’t rely on code generation. You define your routes using a more straightforward syntax.
      • Simplicity: Go Router is simpler and easier to set up compared to Auto Router.
      • Limited Features: While it covers basic navigation needs, it might be limited for more complex scenarios.
      • State Management: Go Router doesn’t come with built-in state management, so you’ll need to handle that separately.
      • Use Cases: Go Router is suitable for simple apps or when you prefer a lightweight solution.
      • Alternative Packages: If you’re exploring other options, consider app_state.
    3. Choosing Between Them:

      • Personal Preference: The choice between Auto Router and Go Router often comes down to personal preference. Some developers prefer the simplicity of Go Router, while others appreciate the code generation and features of Auto Router.
      • Complexity: If your app has more complex navigation requirements or requires state management, Auto Router might be a better fit.
      • Project Requirements: Consider your project’s specific needs and choose the package that aligns best with those requirements.

    Remember that both packages use Navigator 2.0, so you’ll benefit from modern navigation features regardless of your choice. Ultimately, it depends on your project and development style!

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