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Both of the widgets look almost similar. So, what is the exact use case of them? Also, how do you set the width of the DropdownMenu, not the entries?



    • DropdownMenu is a stateless widget that represents the drop-down menu itself. It does not have any state of its own, and it depends on the DropdownButton widget to provide the list of items and the currently selected item.
    • DropdownButton is a stateful widget that represents the drop-down button itself. It has state for the list of items, the currently selected item, and the on-change callback.

    In other words, DropdownMenu is a "dumb" widget that just displays the drop-down menu, while DropdownButton is a "smart" widget that handles the logic of displaying the list of items, selecting an item, and calling the on-change callback.

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  1. 1. DropdownButton:
    *DropdownButton is a Flutter widget that provides a clickable button with a dropdown arrow, and when clicked, it displays a list of items in a popup menu. It’s used when you want to provide a single selectable option from a list of items. When an item is selected from the dropdown menu, the button’s label changes to the selected item’s label.

      value: selectedValue,
      onChanged: (newValue) {
        setState(() {
          selectedValue = newValue;
      items: [
          value: 'Option 1',
          child: Text('Option 1'),
          value: 'Option 2',
          child: Text('Option 2'),


    There isn’t a widget called DropdownMenu in the official Flutter library as of my knowledge cutoff date is September 2021. However, you might be referring to the PopupMenuButton widget. This widget creates a button that, when pressed, displays a popup menu with a list of items.

    PopupMenuButton is used when you want to show a list of menu items in response to a user action (like a right-click or a long press), rather than as a direct replacement for a selection widget like DropdownButton.

      onSelected: (selectedValue) {
        // Handle the selected value
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) => [
          value: 'Option 1',
          child: Text('Option 1'),
          value: 'Option 2',
          child: Text('Option 2'),
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